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Command Index

Server-Wide Commands

/rulesLink to the server rules.
/discordLink to the server discord.
/websiteLink to the server website.
/applyLink to the applications page.
/server <server>Switch to a server (Survival, Hub, Mixed, Events).
/msg <username> <message>Send a private message to a player.
/reply <message>Reply to the user who last sent you a message.
/report <username> <reason>Report a player you believe is breaking the rules.
/pingTest your connection speed to the server.

Survival Commands

/spawnTeleport to world spawn.
/sethome <name>Set a player home to your current location.
/delhome <name>Delete a player home.
/home <name/bed>Teleport to your home.
/sell hand <amount>While holding diamonds in your hand, convert the desired amount into currency.
/balCheck your currency balance.
/baltopCheck the top player balances.
/qs create <price> <item>Create a playershop.
/qs removeRemove a playershop.
/qs item <item>Change the item being sold at a shop. Hold the desired item in your hand or put the item's name in chat.
/qs price <price>Change the price of a shop.
/qs size <stack size>Change the stack size of a shop.
/qs buy/sellChange the mode of the shop between buying and selling.
/qs transferownershipTransfer ownership of a shop to another player.
/claimEnter/exit claim mode.
/claimflagModify claim flags (settings).
/abandonclaimRemove a claim.
/abandonallclaimsRemove all of your claims.
/claim infoView information about the current claim at your location.
/claim greetingModify Claim enter message.
/claim farewellModify Claim exit message.
/claim guiChange claim interface mode.
/trust <username>Allow a player to build in your claim.
/untrust <username>Revoke a player's ability to build in your claim.
/givepet <username>Transfer ownership of a pet.
/questView the quest menu.
/gravesDisplay list of current graves.

Check for more information on specific commands.

Supporter Survival Commands

/hatDisplay the item in your hand as a hat
/trigger as_helpGive yourself the Armor Stand book.

Mixed Commands

/join <team>Join a team. (Only Supporters can choose their team).
/leaveLeave a team.
/g <message>Send a message in global chat.
/mapView Map information.
/rotView the map rotation.