/spawn | Teleport to world spawn. |
/sethome <name> | Set a player home to your current location. |
/delhome <name> | Delete a player home. |
/home <name/bed> | Teleport to your home. |
/sell hand <amount> | While holding diamonds in your hand, convert the desired amount into currency. |
/bal | Check your currency balance. |
/baltop | Check the top player balances. |
/qs create <price> <item> | Create a playershop. |
/qs remove | Remove a playershop. |
/qs item <item> | Change the item being sold at a shop. Hold the desired item in your hand or put the item's name in chat. |
/qs price <price> | Change the price of a shop. |
/qs size <stack size> | Change the stack size of a shop. |
/qs buy/sell | Change the mode of the shop between buying and selling. |
/qs transferownership | Transfer ownership of a shop to another player. |
/claim | Enter/exit claim mode. |
/claimflag | Modify claim flags (settings). |
/abandonclaim | Remove a claim. |
/abandonallclaims | Remove all of your claims. |
/claim info | View information about the current claim at your location. |
/claim greeting | Modify Claim enter message. |
/claim farewell | Modify Claim exit message. |
/claim gui | Change claim interface mode. |
/trust <username> | Allow a player to build in your claim. |
/untrust <username> | Revoke a player's ability to build in your claim. |
/givepet <username> | Transfer ownership of a pet. |
/quest | View the quest menu. |
/graves | Display list of current graves. |